Sunday, September 28, 2014

Time Management Dilemma (Solved?)

I was asked to create 2-3 goals for the school year based on last year's performance evaluation. I immediately knew what one of them would be, Improved Time Management. OMG! Where does the time go? There aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things I need to do, specifically the work related items. I need to prepare for lessons, complete evaluations, observations and assessments, clean my classroom- disinfect and general tidying, lesson plans and individualizations... plus Teach! Due to licensing and organization policies when the children are in the classroom I can't really do much but facilitate learning and supervise the children during center times. I get 90m to 'plan and prepare' but that time disappears quickly. There is so much I want to do with my students and for my students, but due to time constraints I find myself disappointed because it all isn't being accomplished.

As I type this, my daughter is laying beside me taking an afternoon nap. I feel horrible because she is experiencing separation anxiety- she recently started biting her nails and crying when I have to leave her in her classroom. My time management has neglected her needs in the equation. I give her time, but she needs more. (Some children need more based on temperament.) For 8-9 hours during the day, I give myself to other people's children. Then for an additional 2 hours- 4 times a week, I give to my part-time job, also away from home. When I come home I'm exhausted. All I want to do is eat, relax in peace and quiet and not entertain a talkative, energetic 3-year old... Ugh. Bad Mommy........

...I was invited to dance with a company Ive wanted to dance with for years. They rehearse on Sundays. I really want to participate. Ive attended a few rehearsals. But whenever its time to go, my daughter doesn't want to get dressed, doesn't want her hair combed, doesn't want to eat- is downright cross about the whole thing- and typically we are late... Before I had my daughter it wouldn't have been an issue. Yes, Im tired and want to chill on Sundays, but I can make up for lost rest when Im older... Well, I guess Im older.. And a responsible Mommy... She needs one-on-one time. And Sunday's are my only full day to give it to her. Im pretty sure the solution looks like- Sacrifice.

As far as managing my time at school... I dunno. I have to figure something out... 'smarter not harder'... Ive added vitamins to my diet... I cook large meals and we eat leftovers... I've decided I will leave work at work (as much as possible)... Ive got a genius at home who is the most important person in my life and demands my undivided attention... I strive towards a balance that allows me to give her what she needs so she isn't neglected and craving my attention, while also providing my students with the individualization they need to accomplish their learning goals......

....SHAZZAM! I think I have a solution: Volunteers. My children's parents, grandparents, big sisters and big brothers need to spend time in the classroom with their children and helping me prepare materials for lessons... The more people I have assisting in the classroom, the more we can accomplish during the day............. I like it.... and Im not the first to have the time management issue... Teacher's always complain about not having the time available to do what need be done.... Starting tomorrow Im asking parents to sign-up to help... consider my classroom officially part of the village.

"It takes a village to raise a child."

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