I will spare the apologies. I wont even bother explaining my lapse in writing. Its 2016 and Im near fully acculturated into the world wide web, so as only fit for a millennial I will simply- #causelife. Im working on me and discipling my ofttimes flighty Artist, left-brain leaning tendencies to multi-task and work in spirals. Im back on this blog because its another year and another group of fresh-faced students reluctantly awaiting to be ignited and awakened to the wonders of learning.
Ah, what a difference a day makes. This summer for the first time I found myself thinking I was beginning to gain some mastery at teaching. Atleast teaching Pre-K. Ive also found a small piece of peace with both my grade level and my organization. My Superintendent and my Program Director are terrific human beings who believe in the good they are bringing into the lives of the families and communities we serve and they were able to empower me with the same mission. We work with one of the most precious and delicate populations during their most critical developmental period of life. The fact that most don't understand the long-lasting effects of information uploaded into the young learners brain is both up to early childhood professionals to remedy, and it is not our 'fight' to change peoples perceptions. I will no longer allow others to belittle the importance of my teaching role, nor will I internalize their ignorant perceptions. Just as Calculus is important and necessary, so is early education. Especially for the disenfranchised economic classes that statistically neglect to invest in their children during the first 5 years. Instead young children are babied and not challenged and therefore set-up to be left-behind by those more informed.
Whew! Got that off my chest..... Now, to look ahead. This year I have a foster child on ADHD medication. I was chosen to serve him his pill everyday after lunch. Stay tuned for more details..... Ive had some super active children, none of which i would recommend for medication. Dietary changes, environmental changes and home guidance changes? Absolutely. Medicine? Not so much... Im not a doctor nor am I a parent of a child with a behavioral 'disability'... Im an educator and an Unschooler. So my opinions are coming from that space.
This is excellent!! Keep shining in the classroom for our community's young minds. I agree early childhood education is a great benefit to any growing mind.