Saturday, August 30, 2014

I Pledge Allegiance to Guiding Genius.

So, my rising sign is Libra. At the time of my birth the zodiac rising in the heavens was Libra. This is relevant to this post because I am mentally weighing how I want to present *Guiding Genius* to the world. Whereas I am an artist, I live with the passion and desire to push the (proverbial) envelope further than a more conservative writer would. Whereas I am a businesswoman and a teacher in a public school, I hesitate at making political, religious and racial statements at the risk of isolating anyone or facing backlash.... Decisions, decisions.

Balance is necessary in all things. The beauty attributed to Libra is that of symmetry and fair judgement. Guiding Genius is committed to assisting families, communities and educators in recognizing and developing the genius in all children. My personal commitment to uplifting my own community requires I dedicate time and energy towards researching and problem-solving for traditionally disadvantaged children. No apologies. No apprehension... Maybe a little apprehension. Somewhere along the way I was taught against taking care of those that look like me... *Note to self- Meditate on this phenomena, perhaps it is linked to why Black schools are underfunded and under supported?
Guiding Genius understands the disparities in public education cannot will not change because the problems are on a foundational level. The meme above gives some insight into the problem. While this blog will not be a huge rant, I will spend some time describing the dimensions of our young genius's 'miseducation'. Just as doctors run tests to determine the problem and extent of damage, so must we clearly understand why traditional education- as it is- is unable, and I will go as far as to say unwilling, to guide genius. Many more posts, however will be solution oriented.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A New School Year and a Renewed Commitment to Guiding Genius

It has been many moons since last I wrote a post. Why? Simply, Life Happens. Although I have not written to share my experiences, anecdotes, insights, research findings and opinions on the subject of Guiding Genius, I have diligently contributed to the awareness of intentional teaching methods in early childhood education.

Last year I had the opportunity to teach at many different schools alongside many different teachers. I discovered many in my profession hold low expectations for our children and therefore have low standards when developing their abilities. I met a redeeming number of hard working, committed administrators that share wonderful advice and are willing to put in extra effort to support their teachers, if only the teachers would take advantage of their offerings. I also had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of preschool children eager to discover what the world has to offer.

Educators have lives outside of their classrooms and schools, so do the children we teach. Life last year for me, within my school system, was an uphill battle. A commitment to my own goals and visions, a commitment to the students in my care, and trust in the greater purpose- my piece in the greater whole- aided my resilience. Now I have a clearer understanding of the obstacles not only our children face within an education system that cannot consider individual cases due to its quantitative enormity, but also of the obstacles for teachers who swim against the current of traditional, homogenous practices.

This year will be different. I am different. My school is different. The children are different. My coworkers are different. Did I say I was different? I am a tad bit less optimistic. Which is good. Too much stardust makes clear vision impossible. I am also evermore resolved to teach parents and peer educators the necessity of strategically guiding genius.... If not me, then who?

Classroom Prep. New School, New Classroom. *Newness!*